Function Types
Function types are used when we want to refer to closures. We can declare a variable of function type and assign to it
a reference to a closure.
A function type is written as follows: { formal parameters => return type }. Formal parameters are
optional. The return type can be any type or void.
For example, { int, String => void }
means a function with two arguments (int and String) and return type void.
Any function with a compatible list of argument types and compatible return type can be assigned to a variable of function type.
public class DeepThought { // { => int } means a function with no arguments and return type int static { => int } answer = { => 42 }; public static void main(String[] args) { int i = answer.invoke(); System.out.println(i); } }
A function with one int argument and return type String:
{ int => String } toBinary = { int x => Integer.toBinaryString(x) }; String binary11 = toBinary.invoke(11); // will return 1011
A function with no arguments and return type void:
{ => void } sayHello = { => System.out.println("Hello"); }; sayHello.invoke(); // will print "Hello"
Function types can be used as types of arguments:
static void doTwice({ => void } block) { block.invoke(); block.invoke(); } public static void main(String[] args) { doTwice({ => System.out.println("deja vu"); }); }
They can also serve as a return type:
static { => boolean } makeCond() { return { => Math.random() < 0.8 }; } public static void main(String[] args) { { => boolean } cond = makeCond(); while (cond.invoke()) { System.out.println("trying..."); } }
- Write a method that invokes an action on each value of array of ints. The action is passed in a function variable.
- Write a method that returns a closure which checks if a value is from a given interval. Bounds of the interval are arguments of the method.
- Write a method that selects values from a list in accordance with a predicate passed in a function variable.
static void perform(int[] values, { int => void } action) { for (int n: values) { action.invoke(n); } } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] v = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 }; perform(v, { int x => System.out.println(x); }); }
static { int => boolean } makeInterval(int a, int b) { return { int x => a <= x && x <= b }; } public static void main(String[] args) { { int => boolean } interval = makeInterval(10, 20); System.out.println(interval.invoke(15)); }
static <T> List<T> select(List<T> values, { T => boolean } cond) { List<T> selected = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T t: values) { if (cond.invoke(t)) { selected.add(t); } } return selected; } public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> cities = Arrays.asList("London", "New York", "Prague", "San Francisco"); List<String> shortCities = select(cities, { String s => s.length() <= 6 }); System.out.println(shortCities); }
So essentially with function types you could simulate the behavior of a Function Pointer or Delegates(C#/VB).
/** Java Program to demonstrate delegates using closures! **/
class DelegateDemo
/** You must always specify return types! **/
static { => void } method1 = { => System.out.println("This is method 1"); };
static { => void } method2 = { => System.out.println("This is method 2"); };
/** A method which takes a delegate of type void xyz(); **/
static void invoker({=> void} anyMethod)
public static void main(final String[] args) {
System.out.println("Now passing method2!!");
Hope I am right!
I am afraid you are not because there is no way how to assign a method reference to a variable of function type.
Function pointers are valid:
public class FunctionPointerWithClosures
static void invoker( { => void } block )
public static void main( String[] args )
{ => void } method1 = { => System.out.println("Hello tutego"); };
{ => void } method2 = { => System.out.println("Hallo tutego"); };
invoker( Math.random() > 0.5 ? method1 : method2 );
Christian Ullenboom |
...there is no way how to assign a method reference to a variable of function type.
That's right, but we are close and compiler can greatly help.
Suppose you have:
class Foo {
int test(short){}
Foo foo;
{short => int} x = foo.test;
can be converted to:
{short => int} x = {short s => foo.test(s)};
{Foo,short => int} x = Foo.test;
can be converted to:
{Foo,short => int} x = {Foo f, short s => f.test(s)};
What do you think?
There is a new compiler prototype (published today, 2008-03-17). It contains a support for function pointers. For example:
{ int => Integer } box = Integer#valueOf(int);
Integer i = box.invoke(3);
So, you were right. We were not very far :o).
Thanks for an update!
Some functionality questions:
1. Does it handle instance methods? (Both cases: instance is specified and instance is not specified).
2. Is there any any restrictions regarding access modifiers? (There should not be, yet is it possible to call a private method?)
3. Suppose you support instance methods, do you correctly distinguish between myVirtualMethod() and super.myVirtualMethod()?
Java Query library,
Good questions. Yes, there are restrictions caused by access modifiers. So, for example, you cannot call a private method. The next two questions I tried to answer in my new post "Method References".
What the interests of that ?
I don't understand.
Except make the code more ugly and obscur.
Why not do play with interface, and class properly ?
Something like :
--- File ---
public interface Invokable
public void invoke();
---- File ----
public class Method1 implements Invokable
public void invoke()
---- File ----
public class Method2 implements Invokable
public void invoke()
--- File ---
public class Invoker
public static void invoke(Invokable invokable)
--- File ---
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
Method1 method1 = new Method1();
Method2 method2 = new Method2();
Invoker.invoke( Math.random() > 0.5 ? method1 : method2
Like a good Java developer do.
Why build new syntax for a solution that already exists ?
I know my exemple is not the best, but it shows what is behind my head.
Thanks for sharing this useful information.
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